Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review

Why am I doing this? Everyone already knows I'm not a huge Power Rangers fan, I don't really get something out of hating the Power Rangers, so why, Creepy? Why do you torment me with these crossovers? ARE YOU horror movies NOT ENTERTAINED?! Because I certainly wasn't.Source: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review - Decker Shado More Videos

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Death Race 2 Movie Review

The reboot of Death Race did so good, where do you go from there? Well if you like money you make a sequel! Except Jensen Ames is free and Jason Statham is expensive.. so you make a prequel, without said character! Just get (blog post) another grizzled bald guy, no one'll action movies tell the difference.Source: Death Race 2 Movie Review - Decke

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